
Guided tours and Phased re-opening

As part of our phased reopening, we are delighted to begin to offer guided tours by our resident expert, Ruaridh, who will be giving a tour of the full-scale reconstruction roundhouse on Friday 14th August at 2pm, to be followed by a tour of the Priory at 3pm. The same tours will be repeated on Sunday 16th August.

Our visitor centre is currently closed as we install barriers and one-way systems, so this will be an outdoor tour, with access to the roundhouse only ( and not including the Crypts, which remain closed). Face coverings must be worn in accordance with Scottish Government guidelines for museums. Please book on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tour-of-whithorn-priory-tickets-116291594289 and https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tour-of-whithorn-iron-age-roundhouse-tickets-116291231203