Staff visited Kirkmadrine Church last night to see the 6th Century inscribed Christian stones, which were burial stones of priests and clergy. The stones have been returned to Kirkmadrine after extensive conservation and research work, along with new interpretation panels. It’s now thought Kirkmadrine is a lost monastic site, eclipsed by our own Whithorn from […]
Staff and visitors at Kirkmadrine, learning about this 6th Century possible monastic site. …read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn
…read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn
Staff are off to visit the Kirkmadrine stones this evening, now that these magnificent Christian monuments have been redisplayed. Some of you may have seen the Herald article on Sunday 24th May relating to the importance of these stones at Whithorn’s sister site. If you were puzzled that Kirkmadrine is mentioned as the earliest monastery […]
ATTENTION CRAFT WORKERS ! We hope to hold craft workshops during our Iron Age summer this year. Are you interested in giving instruction in your craft to family groups and visitors ? We have a programme of Iron Age events coming and would like crafters to be part of it – please get in touch […]
Alex Fergsson MSP visits Whithorn School, who were on site to learn about ancient grain varieties and other Iron Age skills. We planted madder, woad, weld and black oats and bere. We’ll nurture them over the summer to get a good crop for harvest. …read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn