This week’s lesson for Whithorn Primary – our Calvinist minister tells the children how things have changed in the years since the days of pilgrimage to the town. …read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn
Come and see our new loan – a first edition Folio of General Roy’s Roman Antiquities ( published 1793) and a magnificent map of the Antonine Wall, which is one of the wonderful engravings in the volume This is on generous loan from the Carluke Historical Society – our thanks to Peter Buxton for organising […]
The final morphing of our timelords – who have now travelled to the 17th and 19th Centuries respectively : the Presbyterian minister told the children, on their final time travel voyage, about the Reformation and the changes to the church at Whithorn, and William Black the Gravedigger told them all about the Marquess of Bute, […]
Whithorn’s Royal visitors this week, with Whithorn School following in famous footsteps as pilgrims to the shrine of St Ninian. …read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn
This week, the P6’s were pilgrims to Whithorn, following their guides, Robert the Bruce, who visited Whithorn in quest of a cure for his “leprous” hand and James IV who visited every year and occasionally twice, bringing generous gifts for the local community and the cathedral, and a large retinue. They learnt what motives brought […]
Ninian moment is at 12 noon, not 5pm, sorry ! …read more Source:: Facetube Whithorn